

From heroic journeys and epic cosmic battles to dragons, vampires, and the resurrection of god, there are numerous ancient universal stories told in many unconnected cultures that has led scholars to believe these similarities are the result of archetypes that exist within the unconscious mind of every human being.

The legendary Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung believed our core innate mission in life is to discover and fulfill our deep innate potential.

Jung developed the psychological concept of “The Archetype” as well as “The Collective Unconscious.”

The “Collective Unconscious” refers to structures of the unconscious mind containing memories and impulses of which an individual is unaware.

According to Jung, the collective unconscious contains archetypes: universal primitive mental images and ideas inherited from the earliest ancestors.


Whether you realize it or not, there are compelling reasons that you have fallen in love with certain brands and businesses. Just like people, a brand has a personality and a voice that inspires and evokes an emotional response.

Archetypal brands have an alluring living character that connects deeply to the core of our human psyche.

We, as people, have an identity that defines and links us to others. Your brand needs an identity that can come to life…


As the great playwright Shakespeare once said “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.”

At the center of our being we are all storytellers, as well as actors playing out a role in our own epic play.

Throughout history, in all cultures on our planet, colorful stories, myths and legends have been passed down from generation to generation as a means to preserve, inspire, entertain, educate, understand and spark emotions.


Archetypes embody an eternal truth that has the power to dive right into the vein of human need, fear, desire, drive, motives and dreams. They represent patterns of thought that cross the boundary of generation, gender, age, race, and culture.

Archetypal branding breathes life into a business by generating a powerful human connection that creates instant loyalty, devotion, and trust.

It’s THE KEY to building an authentic brand that has a living, breathing heart & soul.

These universal Archetypes trigger an immediate reaction and emotional impact that is at the core of decision making, and relationship development.

By tapping into the collective unconscious with your brand, you instantly appeal to universal human needs and create connections that inspire emotion.


The only way to set yourself apart from others is by being yourself, right?  If your brand is intentionally cultivated on an archetypal foundation, it will have an immediate impact on the right people that your business is meant to serve.

You won’t have to work as hard to get the results you want

Everything will fall into place like pieces of a puzzle

Your visual and written branding will align with your archetype, and the core values of your company will easily merge with your marketing strategy.

The depth of this approach creates a truly authentic brand that no one can compete with!


There are 12 main archetypes found in brand creation & archetypal business development.

Your personal archetypal blueprint will probably be a dynamic fusion of two archetypes. This is one of the aspects that will set you apart and define you in a way that helps make your business iconic.


The Heroine, Superhero, The Warrior

The Hero’s Core Desire is to prove their worth through courageous challenge that leads to victory.

Their Focus is on becoming the strongest, most powerful, actualized version of themselves.

Hero Brands: Nike, Red Cross, FedEx


The Magician, The Shaman, The Visionary, The Medicine Woman/Man

The Alchemist’s Core Desire is to understand the laws of the Universe and their place in it. They are innovative catalysts for deep transformation.

Their Focus is to turn dreams into reality.

Brands: American Express, Disney, TED


The Dreamer, The Idealist

The Lover’s Core Desire is to experience intimacy, pleasure, and glamour with an aura of mystery and sensuality.

Their Focus is on cultivating and nurturing relationships in all aspects of their existence.

Brands: Victoria’s Secret, Kim Kardashian, Dita Von Teese


The Fool, The Comedian

The Jester’s Core Desire to live fully in the moment and have a good time. They revel in play and are the life of the party!

Their Focus is to lighten people up and have fun.

Brands: Jim Carrey, M&M’s candy, Pepsi


The Good Girl/Guy, The Regular Person, The Good Neighbor

The Everyperson’s Core Desire is to create community, connection and to belong as a part of the group. They believe that all men and women are created equal.

Their Focus is to fit in.

Brands: State Farm, The Gap, Homer Simpson


The Dreamer, The Romantic

The Innocent’s Core Desire is to experience paradise on Earth. They strive to elevate purity, goodness & simplicity into everyday life.

Their Focus is to create happiness, to return to “The Garden Of Eden.”

Brands: Ivory Soap, Real Simple Magazine, Coca-Cola


The Scholar, The Teacher

The Sage’s Core Desire is to discover “The Truth.”

Their Focus is to use their intellect and analytical abilities to understand the world

Brands: Ivory, Oprah Winfrey, The New York Times


The Seeker, The Wanderer

The Explorer’s Core Desire is to discover oneself through exploring the world.

Their Focus is to experience a more fulfilling, authentic life.

Brands: Levi’s, Starbucks, Timberland


The Parent, The Nurturer

The Caregiver’s Core Desire is to protect people from harm, pain & suffering.

Their Focus is to selflessly help others.

Brands: AT&T, The Red Cross, Campbell’s Soup


The Artist, The Dreamer

The Creator’s Core Desire is to create something extraordinary of enduring value.

Their Focus is to express and give form to their vision.

Brands: Martha Stewart, Crayola, Kinko’s


The Leader, The King/Queen

The Ruler’s Core Desire to control, to lead, to have power.

Their Focus is to create prosperity – in family, business, &/or community.

Brands: American Express, IBM, Ralph Lauren


The Outlaw, The Revolutionary

The Rebel’s Core Desire to disrupt the status quo and create a revolution, or get revenge.

Their Focus is to destroy what is not working.

Brands: Harley-Davidson, Jack Kerouac, Howard Stern


Realizing your brand’s identity will open the door to creating a business that will set you world’s apart from the competition. Your brand will have a personality, and a character that comes to life so you can captivate and connect what you do with the people you serve.

For some businesses, discovering your brand archetype will be an immediate “A-HA” moment that will catapult you into a world of new ideas and possibilities. While for others, it may seem an elusive and complex journey. You might be drawn to two, three or even four archetypes and have a challenging time seeing how to put the pieces together so it makes every part of your business come to life.

Identifying your core values & clarifying the traits that define you will help you realize your brand’s archetypal blueprint.

At Diamond Life Media, we dig deep into the heart of our client’s brand to uncover their essence so we can help cultivate and share their unique story. We work through various fun and creative processes to help you define your business and your brand.

Whatever method you use to discover your archetypal blueprint, it will invigorate your business and create a compass that makes the journey an exciting and colorful adventure!

Shine Bright,


Want to discover your own Brand Archetype mix?

Get ready to supercharge your brand!

In our private 60-minute power packed Archetypal Branding 1:1 Session we will work together to dig deep, get 100% clear about the core vision of your business, who you truly are, what makes you special, and realize your unique brand identity through the incredible power of archetypes so you can build a profitable business that reflects your authenticity.

I will help you unlock the secrets to your unique brand mix, which is usually 2 other archetypes combined with your dominant core archetype.

Once you understand the elements that make up your brand, I will show you how to systematically infuse your archetypes into your business and clarify the identity and direction of your brand so you effortlessly magnetize your ultimate dream clients and customers. You will stand out amongst the crowd and be seen as an expert in your field.

Click here to register!




Are People Falling In Love With You & Your Business…

Or Are You Hearing Crickets?!

I hate to say it, but if you aren’t getting the response you want, it is possible that your brand might be boring! Or maybe you haven’t discovered your brand archetype and don’t have a clear visual or written identity, therefore the content you put out isn’t resonating with your dream tribe.


If you are trying to emulate other people who you love and aren’t swimming in the sea of your own originality, chances are the the content you create won’t resonate properly. The entire world is made up of energy, and you have to consider that what you do is actually magnetic. When you link up to your own tune, and align with your own frequency, you create a channel for energy to flow to you. It sounds cosmic, right? Well, in some ways – it is!

In other ways, we are here on the earth, and who doesn’t like to get energized? We all want to feel enthusiasm, pleasure and joy.

Are there ways you can actually turn people on with your work?


Building your business can be seriously fun! Stop trying to fit in, copy your idols or follow trends, and get ready to tap into what makes you so wonderfully enticing so people fall in love with you & your biz.

There is a LOT to be said for magnetism and charisma.

Don’t underestimate the value of bringing megadoses of personality into your business.

People don’t invest in products or programs as much as they invest and fall in love with real people.

People who make them feel.

People who excite them and make them take action!


#1 – Show ‘Em The Goods:

Get out of the world of comparing yourself to others and dig deep down inside to know that you are IT!! You know you have something so uniquely amazing (it’s just like dating) so feel confident that that you are THE ONE!

Let your confidence radiate outward into everything you create in your business. Help people see what sets you apart from your competitors. Let it expand and shine through your eyes when you are speaking, or when you taking a picture or creating a video. Infuse your confidence into your copywriting, newsletters and blog posts. Allow yourself to externally represent this luxurious part of yourself, and express it to the world in the way that you look – show them that you (hot stuff!) are on fire. When people see this light bursting through your essence, everything about you + your biz becomes magnetic…and that magnetism is damn sexy!

#2 – Go Window Shopping (I mean take your brand shopping)…

So, here’s how you do that. Stalk yourself on social media. Stalk yourself online…

Would you buy your own services, programs, or products?

Take a good look at everything you have put out there and be honest, is it cohesive? Are the colors, typeface, and images drawing you in? Are you falling in love? It can be hard to look at ourselves and be honest, but if you aren’t in love, its time to take yourself out for a walk on the town.

Go out (online) and start looking at other people who are in your field and see what you love about their sites and profiles. Start a secret Pinterest board (you can make it private!) and begin collecting all the images that make your heart sing and light your soul on fire! Collect colors and textures that delight you..Have fun building the beginnings of your style board.

This is something I do with my clients whether at the beginning stages of building a brand – or re-branding. It’s something we always did when I worked in Fashion/Beauty and how we created award winning marketing campaigns and international product lauches. You can do it too! This is a really fun and productive way for you to start seeing your vision come to life. You will start to realize what you really love. If it visually excites you, chances are that it will translate to your ideal tribe.


#3 – Turn People On…..

Words are very effective ways to convert prospects into brand lovers…

What are you telling your tribe in your social media posts, email sequences, blog posts, videos and web copy? Are you engaging their senses? Are you using language to transform their thoughts into emotion? Are you tapping into their deepest dreams, core desires, and biggest pain points?

Are you willing to bare a part of your soul and be vulnerable? Or do you want to dominate people with your word slay?

I know this can be a very scary area for a lot of people, but I am SURE that you got into this entreprenurial world to avoid the boring monotony of working for someone else and because you want to make an impact on the world. No matter what field you work in, there is a way to make it enticing IF you find the passion behind your business and start having fun!

Need help creating your sexy brand?!

Want to learn how to implement these strategies and work with me one-on-one to create your cohesive iconic brand that positions you as “The Go-To Expert” in your field.

Ready to transform your knowledge into clarity, confidence, clients & cash? 

Click HERE to learn more about becoming “The Real Deal” to apply for my exclusive 1:1 brand development program.

3 EASY WAYS TO CREATE YOUR SEXY BRAND2019-08-23T00:21:18+01:00



For the past four years, I have been working for myself from my home office/studio in Barcelona, Spain. Before that I lived in Brooklyn, NY and had a home office/studio where I also worked part-time when I wasn’t running all over the city doing makeup or performing in clubs.

Let me tell you, when you work from home – it’s very easy to stay in pajamas with your hair up in a messy bun and no makeup all day because you know that unless you have a Skype meeting with a client, nobody cares what you look like, right?

Well, I realized I wasn’t operating at full potential and have made some powerful changes. I am not perfect so I sometimes slip and go back to old habits. I didn’t learn these things from being great at first – you really just have to start where you are and learn along the way. I see now that if I’d had my future self as a coach helping me back when I was making mistake after mistake, I would be a lot happier, richer, and more productive!

I also created some POWERFUL tools just for you to download FREE HERE to help you be much more productive. I’m a solutions creator. It’s called The Samurai Productivity Toolkit – ‘cuz I know you want to kick some booty in life and business!!!

Diamond life media- Samurai Productivity toolkit

The Samurai Productivity Toolkit will  help you:

+Track your time

+Create a schedule

+Set your intentions each week

+Create a Morning Ritual

+Define Your Week’s Focus

+Keep you on track

I wanted to share this information with you because I wish someone else who understood a creative wild woman like me would have told me all this much sooner. It would have saved me a lot of time, money and heartache. I know it will help you too – Let’s do this!

#1 – Create A Schedule

Yes it’s amazing to be your own boss. But sometimes you need to treat yourself like you actually work for someone else – and you do! You work for your clients and your tribe so it won’t work to be a slacker and just do whatever you want, whenever you want (unless you want to go back to your day job!). Now, one of the great benefits of creating your own biz and being your own boss is deciding when you want to work and how. For example, I am not really good at working on other people’s projects first thing in the morning. I feel really creative at this time of day, and I have discovered that its best for me to spend my time in my genius zone first thing in the morning which leads me to…

#2-Create A Morning Ritual

To me the first hour in my day is sacred. I have not always treated it as such. But I know from my own failures that when I start the day out with intention it flows into grace. Meditation, mantra, hot water with lemon, green juice and green tea – these are some of the things that connect me to my body, mind and soul. Writing in my journal is another one. I love Julia Cameron’s promt from her best selling book “The Artist’s Way” – to start the day with 3 morning pages. When I get this right, I feel powerful and purposeful. What do you need to do to feel like you have stepped into your strength and are living with passion and purpose?

#3 – Discover Your Power Hours

There are certain times of day in which I feel the most connected to my own spirit, and after several years of confusion and struggling, I have discovered that early in the morning and late in the night I am really internal and these are the BEST times for me to do my own creating for myself. It’s the time when most other people are quiet that I feel like I can really hear the magic. Specifically, writing songs, designing new products or programs, making art/designs/posters, dreaming new ideas…anything original that comes from my spirit. I also realized that one of the reasons I hated working at a day job was having to give these sacred times to someone else. GRRrrrRRRR!!!!! Like a lioness, I fiercely protect these sacred power hours and love that I get them to myself. When do you feel most connected to your spirit?

#4- Stay Liquid

I will be the first to admit, I am not a big drinker. Especially not alcohol. I prefer to eat. When I get invited to parties or dinners and  people ask, “what can I get you to drink?,” I’m secretly thinking – Who CARES!!! Do you have anything to eat?!! HAHAHAHA!!!! So even though I actually have been known for living for 92 days on juice just 2 years ago and many people know me as the juice girl, I forget to drink water. I eat a lot of raw fruits and veggies, so I think it might fill me up. I try to start the day off with a little ritual of 1 glass of water with lemon, a hot water with lemon and a green tea. (I said I TRY!!!) and then after that I usually make a juice and/or a smoothie (so you can see why I don’t really feel thirsty later in the day).

A new thing I am doing is to make several green teas in 12oz glass jars and keep one on my desk as I work. I have not been the most successful with this. (hey, at least I am honest!). I think I recently realized that plain water just isn’t turning me on. Does that happen to you? Adding in some lemon, mint, &/or orange slices is yummy. Drinking herbal and green teas works too. Green Juice gives you extra points, and if you want to stay energized all day I highly recommend adding acai powder to some pineapple juice. Forget coffee, which ages your skin, and strips 2 cups of water from your system leaving you depleted and haggard (remember, I am a makeup artist – I could always tell who drank even just one cup of coffee a day! GASP!). If you can drink coconut water, or make smoothies with them – you will stay well hydrated. Staying hydrated keeps your body and your brain working properly. When you get dehydrated you just cant think or function properly. I know, it’s happened to me. I tried using an app to remind me to drink (I think it was called Water Your Body) – but then it made me feel like a Stepford Wife every time it rang and I just could n’t deal with it. So I had to just figure out what would really work for me. The moral of this long story is –  stay liquid!!!

#5 – Get Fresh Air 

Ok this article is turning out to be an expose of all my faults – but honestly, if you are a wildly creative person like myself, you are gonna relate…and maybe even snicker to yourself. I am gonna raise my hand here and admit that I could actually stay inside all day and night working. I get laser focused (must be all the Zen training) and I can literally work for hours and hours and hours. Happily. By myself, so don’t talk to me! Leave me alone!!! BUT then I fell in love with these two furry children aka my dogs Bapuji and Lola and I am forced to get out of the pajamas, get dressed and take the fuzzy lovers out for their adventures (day and night). I honestly think if it weren’t for them I would not get any fresh air or exercise. I hate to admit it, but it’s true. I just LOVEEEEEE making things. I LOVE IT! I get high on creation. So that said, I realized after having my first born furry son Bapuji for almost 8 years now, that he kinda rescued me – and not the other way around. Right now I live in a part of Barcelona that is only a 6.5 minute walk from the forest behind the famous Park Guell. So basically I walk in a forest, up a mountain everyday. It’s a slice of heaven I never had in Brooklyn, and I cherish it as much as my dogs do. We look at each other up there – with big grins on our faces. I have found that these walks open my mind and I can think really well. Inventions and ideas flood through me and I feel rejuvenated. I love to record my thoughts on my phone in Evernote. It’s a part of my daily success and happiness ritual.

#6 -Take Breaks

I’m taking one right now – so I will get back to you on this.

HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!! Just kidding. But seriously, Take breaks or you will go crazy. Get your mind off of what you are working on for at least 15 minutes a few times a day. Dance or sing, get some sun, pet the cat or dog, eat/drink something healthy, watch The Ellen Show, Breathe. It does a business and a body good.

#7 -Don’t Be Ruled By Social Media

I know its difficult not to check your email or Facebook or Instagram or Twitter ten times a day. We all do it. But it can be a huge distraction, and an energy drain. I think in general creating rituals around most everything in your life and business will help to keep things in order and ultimately for you to feel like you are powerful, profitable and productive. Some ideas I have are: schedule the times when you do email and social media, set a timer when you are on social media and keep it to that time frame. I know that for myself Facebook is a place where I connect with a lot of clients and potential clients, and partners – so I try to go in there with intention.

The first step to anything is awareness, so if you are someone spending too much time on social media – the best advice I have is to start tracking how you are spending your time. That’s part of why I created The Samurai Productivity Toolkit for you. It has a really sexy but still very Zen time tracker printable that you can use every week in your life and biz. This alone will help you to realize where your valuable time is being spent, and you will probably make adjustments accordingly. The other thing is to use really great social media tools like Buffer or Hootsuite to do your posting in bulk, and to use any and all digital and physical tools that make daily life flow with ease.  This will absolutely save you and/or your assistant time so you can be as productive as possible.

#8 – Healthy Is Wealthy

If you work from home the kitchen is probably only a few steps away. It’s crucial to keep it stocked with fresh fruit, veggies and anything else that you think keeps you healthy and in alignment with your wellness plan. I make fresh meals all day and I have discovered a few time savers – and secrets that I can share with you. Smoothies are great throughout the day( at least once or twice) if you have a few recipes you like – why not section them out on a weekend and put all the ingredients into separate containers in the freezer – ready to go for the week. Just add coconut water, or freshly juiced pineapple or apple/orange juice and it will save you a lot of energy. You can do something similar with meals – for example – I will soak lentils or beans overnight and when I make my breakfast I get them on the stove and cook them – ready in time for lunch or dinner.  I always make enough for a few days. I even make fresh food for my dogs!!!

#9 -Make Plans With Friends

It’s extremely easy to become a recluse when you work home alone. I am all too good at it. I love being alone. So I highly recommend getting out your weekly planner and inking a few plans in your calendar. Go hear some live music, meet your friends for a dinner or a nightly adventure, and if you live in a great city schedule in some cultural events. When I was packing up my life and moving from NYC to Barcelona in 2011, I had this overwhelming sadness because I realized that I was always putting off those trips to the museum or the theatre because “I lived there” and I could go anytime. I would meet people who were in town as tourists for a week and they did more in that week culturally than I did in a year because I was ALWAYS working. One of the best things about being your own boss is that you COULD spend an afternoon at the museum if you want to. I’m trying to be a nice boss to myself and learn how to appreciate my life as well…otherwise time will just go by and one day you will realize you never went to that concert, took that trip, had the adventures you always dreamed about because you stayed in the land of dreams. Its about going from dreamer to doer. The best way to do this is to decide you want something and put it into your calendar. THEN, reverse engineer all the steps you need to take to make it happen.

#10-Clean UP!!! 

Let’s face it – it’s also really easy to leave clutter on your workspace when there is no one breathing down your neck telling you how to do everything…unless you are an obsessive-compulsive neat freak this tip won’t matter to you (or you will be cheering me on!) Now –  I am a Virgo woman who likes her Feng Shui’d and all that jazz, but I am also a wild-n-crazy creative samurai who likes to make huge messes all over the place. Ink, paper, brushes, pens, paint & glitter….beads, wire, rocks, feathers, fabric, musical instruments, cables, chords…yeah – I can keep myself occupied with creative ideas forever and ever! Keeping it real (which is my style all the way) I will let you know that I battle myself with #10. I love to make a mess and I hate to clean it up. BUT – I like things to be Zen clean. Always been that way. Finally accepting that I am a walking contradiction and honestly trying to love myself the way I am. I have taught myself to create forms and rituals that will serve me so that I can feel good about myself and be as productive as possible. I am NOT the kind of person who can work in a chaotic messy environment. It makes me itchy. So I try to end the day with a little ritual of cleaning up. (I said, I TRY!). I love working during the wee hours when most everyone is asleep – so sometimes I just don’t feel like cleaning up late at night and don’t do it. Then I wake up feeling mad at myself and have to clean up before I can start the day. This definitely messes with my morning ritual and my daily mojo. So like I said – learn from my mistakes. You will be better off if you just clean up and make the place nice. It never takes more than 10 minutes. You will breathe new life into your ideas and be a lot happier. Fresh flowers are a nice touch too. I think a clear mind and a clear space go hand in hand.

Don’t forget to grab your FREE productivity kit:

 I created The Samurai Productivity Toolkit for you to download FREE HERE to help you:

  1. Track your time
  2. Create a schedule
  3. Set your intentions each week
  4. Create a Morning Ritual
  5. Define Your Week’s Focus
  6. Keep you on track

I hope you were truly inspired and maybe even slightly enlightened by this article. Might seem very simple, but as my Zen Master’s have taught me – it’s the daily practice of simple things that polishes our rock into a diamond. It’s your job to transform yourself from a diamond in the rough to a shiny superstar and I truly believe in you.

Cheers to your success! I can’t wait to hear about them or answer any questions you have. Share them all with me & some cool pics of you using your new Samurai Productivity Toolkit in my new Facebook community “The Diamond Life Dojo” (100% FREE to join).

Diamond Life Media logo Shine Bright,

Ko-Shin brush painted signature


MY TEN TIPS FOR WORKING AT HOME2017-02-22T01:25:51+01:00



This week’s color story branding inspiration is all about celebrating today, the fifth of May! Happy Cinco de Mayo!

This beautiful brand board is exciting and vibrant, full of color and passion. Juicy watermelon, bursting lemon, raspberry, apricot and the palest pink to round off the palette. It is all about embracing enjoyment, invoking excitement, feeling vibrant and living life to the fullest. Remembering to celebrate life everyday is really the secret to true happiness, and with these gorgeous colors, its easy to feel completely uplifted.

In creating your own brand, remember to ask yourself “how do I want my viewers to feel when they look at my website and printed materials?”  Each color represents different emotions and states of mind. Let me know how I can help you discover your perfect brand identity. If you love the board, please share it on Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook!

If you want to learn how to access your inspiration – download my FREE ebook “The Seven Samurai Secrets Of Creativity & Productivity” HERE!!!

Diamond Life Media Branding Color Story #2 - Cinco De Mayo


Photo Credits: (from top left) Cinco de Mayo Party > / Burro > / Orange Ombre cake > / Balloon magic > Geronimo Balloons / Poppies > / Mexican Flower Crown > / Watermelon Smoothie > /  Watermelon Salsa > / Party Flags >




This week’s color story “Passion & Promise” was inspired by the blossoming flowers of springtime and the vital energy that fills the air after Winter’s last breath. It evokes the essence of new beginnings, as the green rapidly takes over where browns and greys once stood.

Fuchsia and peony, gerbera daisy and ranunculus, tulip and rose, weaving together a vibrant dance of wonderment dawning amongst the new season’s promise of possibility. The marriage of grace and glory amongst all things beautiful and delightful.

If you want to learn how to access your inspirationdownload my FREE ebook “The Seven Samurai Secrets Of Creativity & Productivity” HERE!!!

Diamond Life Media Color Story Collage #1


Building A Brand: Expressing Your Voice With Typography


In the process of building a memorable brand identity, one of the most important graphic elements of your website design is the typography used to spice up your site. Though the recent advent of google fonts has made it easier to use a wider variety of web safe fonts than a few years back, the palette is still limited for uber creatives. So, like the delicious frosting on your artisanal cupcake, finding some typographic elements will add some delightful eye candy to your blog.



You can use these elements in posts, to add text to photos, to create word art, transform inspirational quotes, create sidebar widgets, and more! In your hunt for these embellishments I think its important to take into consideration a few important points.

WHAT IS THE BRAND ESSENCE YOU WANT TO CONVEY? You have to spend time thinking about this. I suggest writing it down old school style in a book and doing some creative brainstorming to really figure out who you are and what you want to share with the world. Remember what your teacher used to say in the fifth grade….”A picture is worth a thousand words” and I think cool typography is like wearing designer jeans.

.font menu
WHO IS YOUR AUDIENCE? What is their lifestyle? What are they into? Where do they shop, and what other blogs or websites do they read? What kind of typography are they used to seeing, and how can you bring something new to the table. I think it is an absolutely worthwhile investment to purchase some fonts that are not as widely used as the free fonts, to distinguish yourself from the crowd.

If you are targeting your work towards people who appreciate one-of-a-kind handmade creations, let your typography connect with them through typographical elements like beautiful handwritten fonts. You could even get a Wacom Bamboo Tablet and add that personal touch yourself. A great source online for some free cool handwritten fonts is Dafont. Depending on your community/audience, make sure your fonts will speak to your tribe.  These typographic elements enhance your readers experience, and help define your brand. On the other hand, it’s like a recipe gone bad when I see really great written content with awful visual elements.  It hurts my eyes, and I think it can even make some potential readers click away from your website!

















WHAT IS YOUR MESSAGE? I wholeheartedly believe in personal and creative evolution & I am certain that your vision and your brand  will change over time as you and your ideas transform. I think its crucial to begin with a clear set of intentions and values that are true to who you right now and express them in your website/branding.  You have to ask yourself – What is my core vision, and what message do I want my audience to come away with? In just a simple phrase – what do I want my tribe to know about my mission. What visual elements help bring that vision to life?















Whether you are a business wiz, a life coach, a creative visionary, a performer, an artist – you have core beliefs and values that are integral to who you are as a person. You have something no one else in this world has. YOU. There is only one of you. Though you may be a diamond in the rough, I assure you, if you are reading this right now – you have something extraordinary to share with the world. It’s yearning to be born into this world. Get that old school notebook out again and start spilling open on the page. Do it Julia Cameron “Artist’s Way” style – 3 pages every morning when you first wake up. Burst open on that page! Do it as a practice, as a meditation, as a discipline, as a commitment to your creativity, and your personal evolution. Somehow your voice will emerge. It might surprise you one day, but the more you keep expressing your ideas in words, the easier it gets, and eventually your original spirit will shine through.

If you want to learn how to access your original voice – download my FREE ebook “The Seven Samurai Secrets Of Creativity & Productivity” HERE!!!



Building A Brand: Expressing Your Voice With Typography2017-02-22T01:25:53+01:00

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